If you’re contemplating on retiring a few years from now, in addition to a house renovation or a vacation abroad as self-reward, you may also have a brand new car in mind. Unfortunately, if your nest egg isn’t that large, taking a huge chunk off your savings to pay for a new car may not be a smart financial move. This doesn’t mean though that you should stick with your old clunker; you can always opt for a used one, which can look just as good as new with the help of mobile car valeting in London. Why go for a used car? Of course, used cars are relatively cheaper. You’ll pay lower insurance fees and should you sell it again, you wouldn’t have to worry about significant equity loss. Car models released in the past decade are just as reliable as their latest counterparts and are also equipped with senior-friendly features. If you choose right, you can have one that can go a thousand more miles without needing major repairs.
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